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Friday 11th October 2024
held jointly with the ZDMS annual meeting.
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon

Keynote Speakers 2024
We are delighted to be joined by the following Keynote Speakers:
Dr Sofia de Oliveira, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Sofia studies neutrophils and their role in disease progression. She is particularly interested in unveiling how the presence of systemic inflammation and metabolic dysregulation found in metainflammation and inflammaging settings alter the neutrophils.
Prof Ricardo Henriques, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon
Ricardo uses optical and computational biophysics to study cell biology and host-pathogen interactions.
Dr Chris Hall, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Chris uses the power of the zebrafish model to provide unique insights into immune responses that are relevant to human disease.
What is Zebrafish Infection and Immunity about?
Zebrafish Infection and Immunity (formerly Zebrafish Infection UK) aims to assemble the European zebrafish community to develop an interactive zebrafish immunity network.
This year we are super excited to team up with Zebrafish Disease Models Society to hold a joint meeting the day after ZDM17. We sincerely hope you can stay the extra day for a relaxed and informal meeting on all things Infection and Immunity!

ZII8 talk abstract submission deadline now closed
***Please note, abstract submission for ZII8 is separate from ZDM17 submission.

Phil Elks:
Serge Mostowy:
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